Teaching aids play a great role in enlightening learners’ academic performance in classroom because of increasing participation and involvement due to motivation created by teachers and learners in classroom sitting. Vandiver (2011) in his study indicated that quality and educational adequacy of educational facilities were significantly associated with students’ academic performance. Owoeye and Yara(2011) in his study looked at the relationship between educational facilities and academic performance of the students. In addition,Yadar (2001) and findings from UNESCO report (2008) elaborated that instruction aids have emotional impact on learners’ academic performance.Rasul, et al. (2011) stated that teaching aids play vital role in lesson delivery. Teaching aids offers in depth knowledge transmission and brings change in classroom setting hence contributes greatly to effective learning process.Mathew and Alidmat (2013) opined that teaching aids are usually perceived to be motivation materials and deliver enthusiasm in lesson and that real use of teaching aids results into an interesting learning situation.